_____________ My thoughts have been preoccupied with an important question for a significant period, and I now find myself with ample time to carefully contemplate it and commit it to writing. It has come to my attention that there is a perspective advocating for the use of an ‘original sheet music’—or more precisely, scores initially published by their respective publishers—in music theory textbooks and practice workbooks, particularly those that pose examination-style questions or contain entrance mock tests. Proponents of this approach argue that it highlights the authenticity of musical notations and showcases the artistry of music score editing, rather than depending on reproductions that have been re-edited by the textbook publisher. This assumption and statement (purportedly allowing readers to view the original version of the score) are both somewhat perplexing. Firstly, we will examine the musical examples employed in most classical music theory analyses throughout this articl...
今年的試卷已經公告上架囉!歡迎長期閱讀音樂平台的老師、以及明年要考試的同學們看看今年的題型/目是否能全盤掌握。 不意外的話,今天我也會跟幾位老師一起分析考題,進行簡單的課程共備。共備課程的好處是,每位老師會針對考題提出不一樣的審題見解,彼此都能學習。 必備閱讀清單: 音樂班樂理、聽寫歷屆考古題專區 升高中、大學樂理考古題完整懶人包!考生練習一次到位(定期更新) 高聯、大聯、研究所:免費模擬試卷專區 去年我和其他老師們都一致認為學生要建立「樂曲資料庫」(像是「古文40」的概念,因此我在 音樂班社團中 分享15種累積的方法),今年的考題好多都命中!也要大大恭喜今年考試的學生。 下面,我一樣將今年(114學年)大聯、高聯,以及少數地區升國中的題目一併總整理。 114大聯【 樂理題目 、 作答 】 114大聯【 樂理解答 】 114大聯【 聽寫 】